Photo Credit: fpd/ David Castillo Dominici
Verbal communication is the main type of communication that everyone can identify with. The two different ways that we use verbal communication are through the words we speak or the words that we write. The words that you choose will send a message and have a significant impact on any of the people that you interact with. Your choice of words will affect the message you are trying to share. But verbal communication is only one part of how we communicate to other individuals.
PhotoCredit: fdp/ David Castillo Dominici
There is also non-verbal communication that is always occurring when you are interacting with another individual or a group of people. Examples of non-verbal communication are how you utilize the tone of your voice, you personal body language and gestures you use when communicating. Body language is a big signal of what you are really feeling when you are communicating. Crossing your arms can make an individual feel uncomfortable or not having eye contact sends a message that you are not interested in the person or group you are interacting with.
Facial expressions can send even more of a message than the words you speak. Your facial expression will give you away if you look like you do not want to be there or just failing to have a smile. Warm smiles can make even the more difficult conversations a little easier.
PhotoCredit: fdp/ David Castillo Dominici
If you understand the importance of your style of communication and examine your verbal and non-verbal forms of communication that you are utilizing, you can take the steps to improve your personal communication skills and find more success in the workplace and your personal relationships. Remember to always speak clearly and provide feedback, feedback is a tool to ensure that the person or group you are interacting with fully understands what you have communicated to them.
Communiccation is vital in every aspect of human lives , be it relationship or organization. I work as a customer care executie for a telecommunication firm and we undergo series of periodic training on effective communication skills. There are two major aspect of communication people often misuse and these are
1) Non-verbal expression
2) Stress or Emphasis.
These two aspects can change the course of communication totally or make it misunderstood by the recipient. I really enjoy this post as it refreshes my memory. Nice post.