KaitlyyN, Author at NIR News / National Investigative Report https://nationalinvestigativereport.com/author/kaitlyyn/ Investigative Journalism At Its Best! Wed, 17 Dec 2014 03:52:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://nationalinvestigativereport.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/cropped-NewsBriefs-150x150.png KaitlyyN, Author at NIR News / National Investigative Report https://nationalinvestigativereport.com/author/kaitlyyn/ 32 32 Ferguson Protesters Win Federal Judge’s Injunction To Prevent Police Enforcing “5 second rule” https://nationalinvestigativereport.com/ferguson-protesters-win/ https://nationalinvestigativereport.com/ferguson-protesters-win/#comments Tue, 16 Dec 2014 03:51:37 +0000 http://nationalinvestigativereport.com/?p=466 Recently, a federal judge ruled that the tactics used by police in order to control Ferguson protesters are unconstitutional. U.S District Judge asked the police not to use tear gas on protesters and ordered the law enforcement agencies to halt the “5 second rule.” This rule demands that protesters should keep moving instead of standing […]

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Photo Credit: Tumblr

Recently, a federal judge ruled that the tactics used by police in order to control Ferguson protesters are unconstitutional. U.S District Judge asked the police not to use tear gas on protesters and ordered the law enforcement agencies to halt the “5 second rule.” This rule demands that protesters should keep moving instead of standing still. However, the order comes to stop enforcing such requirements because it violates constitutional rights of the protesters.

Photo Credit: US Courts

Photo Credit: US Courts

Catherine Perry, U.S District Judge issued an injunction stopping the practice of keep moving and standing still on sidewalks. No doubt, the injunction is a great win for law-abiding and peaceful protesters who believe in rule of law. According to Perry’s injunction, police violated the free speech rights as well as due process rights. Moreover, the injunction does not stop the police from controlling or protecting crowd against violence using lawful means. It no longer limits the abilities of officers in enforcing state’s laws.

Some of protesters filed the lawsuit requesting to restrict the police from using tear gas and excessive forces during demonstrations. Perry declared that the citizens have a constitutional right to gather in wake of tragic death of Michael Brown Jr. Nevertheless, they do not have any right to harm other citizens or police officers. The police should perform their duties and responsibilities efficiently as nothing in this injunction prevent them in doing so.

Police has been using varying tactics to control the crowd after the officer Darren Wilson shot and killed Michael Brown Jr. Some police officers started to instruct protesters that they cannot stand still for more than 5 seconds and should keep moving all times. Legal observers quickly refused to accept this “5 second rule” and clearly state that it tends to enhance community tension. Police tried to undermine the protester’s rights to demonstrate. However, on constitutional grounds, the law enforcement officials failed the police’s attempt in carrying out such a practice.

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Go Casual All The Way! https://nationalinvestigativereport.com/go-casual-all-the-way/ https://nationalinvestigativereport.com/go-casual-all-the-way/#comments Sun, 23 Nov 2014 01:29:02 +0000 http://nationalinvestigativereport.com/?p=455 Casual dresses are not only comfy, but if you pair them just the right way, they can look as classy as any other outfit. With casual dresses, one gets a laid back look which can be carried easily and with grace. You don’t need fancy and expensive things to look attractive and smart. But there […]

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Casual dresses are not only comfy, but if you pair them just the right way, they can look as classy as any other outfit. With casual dresses, one gets a laid back look which can be carried easily and with grace. You don’t need fancy and expensive things to look attractive and smart. But there is even beauty is simplicity. According to fashion 2015, a casual look can even make you stand out in a crowd of women wearing heavy makeup and expensive but uncomfortable clothes. You outfit might be called plain, but it certainly does not fit in the category of unnatural. When you decide to go casual, it highly reflects your natural beauty, inner strength, confidence and the way you carry yourself.

Photo Credit: Dionysius Burton/flickr

Photo Credit: Dionysius Burton/flickr

Tips for make-up with casual dress fashion 2015:

Casual makeup is a part of your daily life, but it is important to wear as less makeup as you can during the day. Here is a quick guide of make-up tips with casual dress.

Face: It’s very important to let your skin breathe so try to avoid any heavy foundation for your daily makeup routine. Make use of concealer to hide any imperfections on your skin and always in your bag.

Blush: According to fashion 2015, for adding some freshness to your face, use a blush which suits with your skin. Using a fluffy blush, apply the blush to the apples of your cheeks. With light strokes, work the blush up towards the ear.

Lips: If you want to define your lips, use a lip pencil. Using a lip crush, apply lipstick to make it long lasting. It’s best to avoid using lip gloss during the daytime.

Nails: Mascara adds volume to your eyes, along with thickness and length. You can even make use of a curler before you apply mascara; that adds some extra depth.

Hairstyle ideas with casual dresses fashion 2015:

A hairstyle completes the whole causal look you are trying to achieve. Here are some fashion 2015 hairstyle ideas that go really well with casual dresses.

Photo Credit: Lies Thru a Lens/flickr

Photo Credit: Lies Thru a Lens/flickr

Pumped up ponytail: This hairstyle is perfect to achieve a casual and classy look. Start off by taking a section of your hair, tease it and spray the teased hair. Finally, tie the hair into a high ponytail.

Voluminous up do: Pull you hair in to a ponytail, by using a brush in a downward motion towards the scalp. This will create volume and thickness in your hair. Wrap this ponytail into a bun and use bobby pins to secure it.

Simple is classy: Make a side parting of your hair, take the right section and twist upwards. Repeat the same thing on the other side, and secure both the twists using bobby pins. Make a bun of the rest of your hair and secure it cleanly with bobby pins.

Casual is not boring: From the center of your head, take a section of your hair and divide it into two. Twist both the sections and secure them together using a hair pin or cute bow. Curl your hair from the bottom to complete the look.

Be casual and be comfortable because even then you can look classy and cute.

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A Viral Video Forced Sheriff’s Deputy To Resign https://nationalinvestigativereport.com/viral-video-forced-sheriffs/ https://nationalinvestigativereport.com/viral-video-forced-sheriffs/#comments Wed, 19 Nov 2014 00:34:43 +0000 http://nationalinvestigativereport.com/?p=391 All Printed Tees $6 Yes, we are for real. Now get 10 Tees for only $50! A video went viral over the internet that shows inappropriate actions taken by Deputy Shawn Glans of Saratoga County Sheriff’s Office. The viral video forced Glans to resign from his post on Monday. He was criminally charged with harassment […]

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A video went viral over the internet that shows inappropriate actions taken by Deputy Shawn Glans of Saratoga County Sheriff’s Office. The viral video forced Glans to resign from his post on Monday. He was criminally charged with harassment and official misconduct as depicted in the video. In a video, one can easily hear him cursing the man while trying to take his car keys by force. He appeared hitting the man over his head upon not getting his permission to search his vehicle. The man has his residence in Saratoga Springs.

In a press conference held on Monday by the Sheriff’s Office, it was announced that Shawn Glans handed over his resignation to the company and faced many criminal charges following a quick investigation carried out by his own department. Someone recorded the video and presented it to the Sheriff’s Office, which caused them to take immediate actions against Glans. The investigators including some senior administration conduct several interviews with particular parties involved in the matter. The Sheriff’s Office concluded to suspend Glans for his crimes. The incident put negative influence on his family and children. According to his wife, their daughter received some serious threats from those people who watched the video. Apart from this, it affected the Glans own career.

Photo Credit: Facebook

Photo Credit: Facebook

While talking to local media, Glans said that the gun in man’s vehicle caused him to take such actions and he would do it the same way again, however not if he has awareness of videotaping. It was not the first time that disciplinary actions were taken against former sergeant Shawn Glans. In 1996, he was speeding to a 911 call. He came around the corner where he lost all his control on his vehicle and slammed it to another car. The car’s driver was paralyzed along with other injuries. The county had to pay six million dollars in order to settle the case against the Deputy Shawn Glans.

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FBI Report: Police Violence Against Citizens More Than Ever! https://nationalinvestigativereport.com/fbipolice-violence-citizens/ https://nationalinvestigativereport.com/fbipolice-violence-citizens/#comments Tue, 18 Nov 2014 02:08:37 +0000 http://nationalinvestigativereport.com/?p=375 The new FBI statistics unveiled this week, shows that the violent crime rates decreased to 4% in the US in past year. The violent crime rates fell to great amount than they have been in nearly 40 years. According to FBI statistics, approximated 1.16 million violent crimes were recorded in 2013. It is the lowest […]

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Photo Credit: Leonard Zhukousky

Photo Credit: Leonard Zhukousky

The new FBI statistics unveiled this week, shows that the violent crime rates decreased to 4% in the US in past year. The violent crime rates fell to great amount than they have been in nearly 40 years. According to FBI statistics, approximated 1.16 million violent crimes were recorded in 2013. It is the lowest amount since 1978. The report also shows that cases of rape dropped down to 6.3% whereas manslaughter lowers by 4.4%, the lowest crime rate since 1968. Although the country faced tough economic times, but primary crimes dropped by 4.1% and robbery to 2.8%.

Photo Credit: Diane Stevenson/freerange

Photo Credit: Diane Stevenson/freerange

Since 1994, the violent crime rates have been decreasing steadily. Nevertheless, the prison population is continually increasing over many decades. Currently, there are more than two million people imprisoned in the US. It is the largest population so far across the world. However, Pew Charity Trusts published their study recently that showed the prison population of US is on decline. Their research reveal that decline in crime in year 2013 actually coincided with decline in prison population. Moreover, the study showed drop in number of prisoners in more than 30 of the 50 states in the US whereas imprisonment continued to increase in other states.

Photo Credit: Alexander Gude/flickr

Photo Credit: Alexander Gude/flickr

Even those who are guilty of violating some laws are nonviolent offenders. Almost 70% of prison population comprises of nonviolent offenders. Many people among them are not actually guilty of transgression but in fact, they target themselves in state violence. While violence among citizens dropped to significant amount, violence carried out by police against these citizens is increasing sharply. The annual Uniform Crime Report of FBI shows that the police shot 461 felony suspects last year. During the same period, gun sales increased rapidly in the country. It supports the idea that people with guns are actually contributing to make society a safe place.

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Normal vs. Gay Marriage: Supreme Court Reconsideration may be in line https://nationalinvestigativereport.com/gay-marriage/ https://nationalinvestigativereport.com/gay-marriage/#comments Fri, 14 Nov 2014 02:59:09 +0000 http://nationalinvestigativereport.com/?p=285 The Gay vs. Normal marriage debate has once again been in the spot light since the federal appeals courts of Cincinnati has sustained the gay marriage ban in four states. The decision has been a bitter one for those who had been in support of same sex marriages. After a long line of successive victories, […]

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The Gay vs. Normal marriage debate has once again been in the spot light since the federal appeals courts of Cincinnati has sustained the gay marriage ban in four states. The decision has been a bitter one for those who had been in support of same sex marriages.

Photo Credit: Facebook

Photo Credit: Facebook

After a long line of successive victories, this decision has set back the gay marriage movement considerably. The four states for which the gay marriage ban has been upheld are Tennessee, Ohio, Michigan and Kentucky. Before this decision came, quite a few Circuits had declared such laws to be constitutionally incorrect.

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The supporters of traditional or heterosexual marriages has grabbed upon the decision and hailed it declaring that the things might finally be taking a turn for the right. However the ruling is facing quite a backlash and the supporters of gay marriage have declared to appeal for the case.

Photo Credit: Scott Snyder

Photo Credit: Scott Snyder

Thus the recent developments are a strong indication of the fact that the case might as well end up in the Supreme Court. The gay marriage supporters are quite confident of their cause and have declared the recent decision as a disappointment. The gay marriage supporters have clearly voiced their intentions of asking the Supreme Court for an immediate review so as to legalize the gay or same sex marriages nationwide.

Photo Credit: Chance Agrelia

Photo Credit: Chance Agrelia

The issue of gay or lesbian marriages has been a source of some continuous debates and in a recent move it was requested by the 32 states that the Supreme Court must intervene and settle this argument once and for all.

However the way things may turn out to be, Supreme Court ruling will finally settle a long debate.

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Lava makes its first property damage in Pahoa https://nationalinvestigativereport.com/lava-pahoa/ https://nationalinvestigativereport.com/lava-pahoa/#comments Wed, 12 Nov 2014 21:02:48 +0000 http://nationalinvestigativereport.com/?p=274 The Hawaii Country Civil Defense officials have now confirmed that lava flowing towards Pahoa, a community in Hawaiian has started to cause damages to properties as it took down one house in flames. It is being reported that the lava was flowing at a speed of around 15 yards per hour and came in contact […]

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The Hawaii Country Civil Defense officials have now confirmed that lava flowing towards Pahoa, a community in Hawaiian has started to cause damages to properties as it took down one house in flames. It is being reported that the lava was flowing at a speed of around 15 yards per hour and came in contact with a house that was on the Cemetery Road. One of the people who live in that house was present at the location while the house was on blazing fire. The person travelled from another side of the island and drove to Pahoa, only to witness that his house was on fire.

Photo Credit: Facebook

Photo Credit: Facebook

Photo Credit: Facebook

Photo Credit: Facebook

The house covered around 1100 square feet. The house was located less than a mile from the neighbors, the neighbors being located in the agricultural area of the town. This distance between the neighbors ensured that the property damage was only limited to the house. Moreover, the neighborhood has been empty for more than 3 months as well. This is mainly because the evacuation started to take place earlier and the people started fleeing to other parts. The lava has started to flow ahead of the house after taking it down, and has already covered two feet to reach a barn.

The lava flowing towards Pahoa has been a huge concern although since it has less than 500 feet to cover in order to reach the main Pahoa Village Road. The officials’ report regarding lava has further added to the concerned stakeholders since they have claimed that it does not seem likely that the lava would stop flowing in the near future. The state officials have been busy doing their jobs which is to close down Highway 130. Highway 130 holds significance since it has the potential to stop the lava flow. It the lava flow continues, this Highway 130 would have to be cut off. This should trouble the natives as it is the main route through which other towns are connected.

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US Dedicates Office Annex worth $162 million to Nigeria https://nationalinvestigativereport.com/usembassy-nigeria/ https://nationalinvestigativereport.com/usembassy-nigeria/#comments Sat, 08 Nov 2014 23:59:42 +0000 http://nationalinvestigativereport.com/?p=228 The United States is committed to its mission of establishing and maintaining lasting and trustworthy relations with other nations of the world. As a gesture of friendship and allegiance, the United Sates has dedicated its state of the art new Embassy Annex in Abuja, Nigeria. In addition to the Office Annex, the facility boasts a […]

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Photo Credit: U.S. Department of State

Photo Credit: U.S. Department of State

The United States is committed to its mission of establishing and maintaining lasting and trustworthy relations with other nations of the world. As a gesture of friendship and allegiance, the United Sates has dedicated its state of the art new Embassy Annex in Abuja, Nigeria.

Photo Credit: U.S. Department of State: Bureau of Overseas Buildings

Photo Credit: U.S. Department of State: Bureau of Overseas Buildings

In addition to the Office Annex, the facility boasts a support annex, community accommodations, parking and US Marine Guards facilities. Apart from strengthening the friendship ties between the two countries, another motivation behind this project is to ensure that the employees are provided with a secure place so as to work without any concerns for their safety.

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The new edifice is quite remarkable in its architecture. The state of the art design features ensure resource conservation by making an efficient use of architectural and scientific techniques. From the use of LED lighting to contemporary plumbing fixtures which ensure water saving, the architecture of the new premises has been specially planned to lower the operational costs.

Photo Credit: U.S. Department of State: Bureau of Overseas Buildings

Photo Credit: U.S. Department of State: Bureau of Overseas Buildings

This joint project of AECOM, Virginia and PAGE, Washington as unveiled by the US Under Secretary for management Patrick F. Kennedy in an elegant ceremony which was attended by US Ambassador to Nigeria as well as some locals.

The remarkable feature of this $162 million structure is the fact that it embodies all the American values in itself. The building is a symbol of American culture and technology. It signifies not only the advancements that America has made in the fields of technology, science and engineering but also encompasses the core American values of culture, art, friendship and civilization.

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