Body Archives - NIR News / National Investigative Report Investigative Journalism At Its Best! Thu, 22 Jun 2017 04:24:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Body Archives - NIR News / National Investigative Report 32 32 Which Sport Is The Best To Burn Calories? Wed, 10 Jun 2015 22:46:40 +0000 It is great for your health to exercise, whatever sport you choose. Swimming? Boxing? Running? Cycling? Squash? If you are hesitating between these sports, have a look below to better understand the ones that burn the most calories. Keep in mind that the best sports to choose are the ones that you will enjoy the […]

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It is great for your health to exercise, whatever sport you choose. Swimming? Boxing? Running? Cycling? Squash? If you are hesitating between these sports, have a look below to better understand the ones that burn the most calories.

Keep in mind that the best sports to choose are the ones that you will enjoy the most so you come back to it on a regular basis!


Greg L Photos /flickr

Greg L Photos /flickr

How great is swimming when, once in the water, you get this instant light feeling and you are able to move much easier than anywhere elseā€¦?!

Although you do not feel the weight of your body anymore in the water, the efforts you make when exercising in the pool are very good for your body. Indeed, the water plays a resistance role that allows you to work out your muscles without damaging your joints! This is ideal for seniors, overweight people or people getting into the sport after a break.

In one hour of swimming, you can burn 700 calories.


U. S. Army Boxing/flickr

U. S. Army Boxing/flickr

Boxing is more and more popular in the fitness lessons. Indeed, it is an amazing workout for the arms and a lot of fun. It also develops reflexes and focus.

In one hour of boxing, you can burn 800 calories.


The National Guard/flickr

The National Guard/flickr

This is the most accessible sport ever as you will only need a pair of shoes to go for a run. When practiced on a regular basis, running is great to work out your entire body. However running can be damaging for the joints so it will not be the best option for everyone.

In one hour of running, you can burn 850 calories.


Tejvan Photos/flickr

Tejvan Photos/flickr

Outdoor or indoor, cycling is a very good workout for your legs and your abs. It also improves the cardio and the endurance, without damaging the joints.

In one hour of cycling, you can burn 800 calories.


Sander van der Wel/flickr

Sander van der Wel/flickr

Squash is very good for suppleness and reflexes. It is a good workout for both the upper and lower body.

In one hour of squash, you can burn 800 calories.

The post Which Sport Is The Best To Burn Calories? appeared first on NIR News / National Investigative Report.

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DIINDOLYLMETHANE IMMUNE BOOSTER Wed, 11 Feb 2015 21:45:08 +0000 Diindolylmethane (DIM) is a naturally occurring compound that is found in Brassica vegetables such as cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, kale and brussel sprouts. Scientists think that by consuming these vegetables it helps protect the body against cancer because they also contain a related chemical called indole-3-carbinol. Diindolylmethane is a potent activator of immune response system. The […]

The post DIINDOLYLMETHANE IMMUNE BOOSTER appeared first on NIR News / National Investigative Report.


Photo Credit:

Photo Credit:

Diindolylmethane (DIM) is a naturally occurring compound that is found in Brassica vegetables such as cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, kale and brussel sprouts. Scientists think that by consuming these vegetables it helps protect the body against cancer because they also contain a related chemical called indole-3-carbinol.

Diindolylmethane is a potent activator of immune response system. The scientists a launched a product ActivaMune Diindolylmethane as a first class nutritional supplement as they combined Diindolylmethane with other multiple nutrients such as Sulforaphane, Selenium, Lycopene, Lutein, Zeaxanthin, Calcium and Vitamins C, D and E. ActivaMune Diindolylmethane is prepared to provide maximum bio-availability. It delivers a bio-active quantity of Diindolylmethane to the consumers. DIM is an immune booster that is used for preventing breast cancer, uterine cancer and colo-rectal cancer. It is also used to prevent enlarged prostate and is used in the treatment of premenstrual syndrome. It is safe when consumed in foods. Taking larger doses of Diindolylmethane preparations has been reported to lower sodium levels in some people.


Diindolylmethane act like oestrogen in the body but there is evidence that sometimes under certain circumstances it might also block estrogen effects and might make hormone sensitive conditions worse. ActiveMune DIM is all natural ingredients, it promotes cellular detoxification and supports multiple organs throughout the body rejuvenating it and beating the stress factor out leaving one feeling good and healthy. It provides phytonutrients that are equivalent to approximately five pounds of fresh organic uncooked spinach, tomatoes, broccoli in addition to other immune system boosters. It is superior to other immune boosters because many manufacturing processes destroys the enzymes necessary for the production of key phytonutrients in the supplement.

Precaution should be taken in cases of pregnancy and breastfeeding since not enough is known about the safety of larger amounts of Diindolylmethane. Children should not be given larger amounts, it is safe when consumed in small amounts found in the food. Hormone-sensitive conditions such as breast, uterine and ovarian cancer, endometriosis and uterine fibroids can be made worse, it is advisable to stay on the safe side and consume the Diindolylmethane found in foods. Endurance sports athletes are advised to take the product before and after their workout as this helps in boosting their immune systems and removing the stress endured.

The post DIINDOLYLMETHANE IMMUNE BOOSTER appeared first on NIR News / National Investigative Report.

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