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President Barack Obama signs National Monument designations in the Oval Office, July 10, 2015. The three new monuments include Berryessa Snow Mountain in California, Waco Mammoth in Texas, and the Basin and Range in Nevada. Standing behing the President, from left, are: Victor Knox, National Park Service, April Slayton, National Park Service, Interior Secretary Sally Jewell, Chief Tom Tidwell, Randy Moore, Forest Service, and Director Neil Kornze. (Official White House Photo by Amanda Lucidon)

President Barack Obama signs National Monument designations in the Oval Office, July 10, 2015. The three new monuments include Berryessa Snow Mountain in California, Waco Mammoth in Texas, and the Basin and Range in Nevada. Standing behing the President, from left, are: Victor Knox, National Park Service, April Slayton, National Park Service, Interior Secretary Sally Jewell, Chief Tom Tidwell, Randy Moore, Forest Service, and Director Neil Kornze. (Official White House Photo by Amanda Lucidon)

More than a Million acres assigned by Obama for three new monuments.
In spite of the resistance by the Republicans, President Barack Obama has gone ahead to announce the creation of more national monuments. The president made this known on Friday, stating that the three national monuments will encompass over a million acres of protected sites in California, Texas and Nevada.

The protected site include Waco Mammoth which is a small, rare site located in central Texas, a place where archeologists have made an amazing discovery of the remains of a Columbian mammoth of about 65,000 years old which moved about freely during the ice age.
Another designated area is the Great Basin Region or Nevada’s Range and Basin, an area measuring over 700,000 acres. It is the home for petroglyphs, a rock art 4000 years old and also Michael Heizer’s sculptures of Meso-American life.



Over 300,000 acres at California’s Berryessa snow mountain have been set aside for a monument. According to the white house, this decision is based on the rich biodiversity of the area and the Native American cultural sites. The designation, officials say will scale up visits to the area which is already an attraction for hikers, carpenters, hunters and fishermen.

According to the Antiquities Act of 1906, the president has the right to allocate ecological or historically significant sites without seeking the approval of the congress. This, however, does not go down well with some lawmakers who consider it as a move by the federal government to designate land with no local input whatsoever.



Representative Cresent Hardy who supported an amendment of the current Interior Department spending bill to prevent the president from building monuments in places where there is local opposition said that any decision which limits recreation, ranching or other kinds of land use activity should have a significant amount of local input.He said the amendment was intended to empower local stakeholders and local communities who would most likely be affected by the new monument designations.

The amendment did not affect the announcement made by the President on Friday. This is because the bill which was passed by the house on Wednesday needs to be approved by the House senate conference and senate action before the president will be entitled to obey it.

This latest designation by President Obama now makes 19 the number of monuments expanded or created by his administration. New monuments were designated by Obama earlier this year in Colorado, Illinois and Hawaii and he expanded the Marine National Monument of the Pacific Remote Islands to an area of 490,000 square miles, thus making it the world’s largest marine reserve.


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Where Are Same-Sex Marriages Being Blocked in the U.S.? https://nationalinvestigativereport.com/samesex-block/ https://nationalinvestigativereport.com/samesex-block/#comments Thu, 02 Jul 2015 02:54:06 +0000 http://nationalinvestigativereport.com/?p=944 The U.S. Supreme Court struck down denials of same-sex marriage in each of the 50 states on Friday, in a decision held onto as a noteworthy time in history for LGBT rights. In any case, now the decision must be issued — and numerous areas in Southern states where marriages of same-sex couples had been […]

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Steve Bott

Steve Bott

The U.S. Supreme Court struck down denials of same-sex marriage in each of the 50 states on Friday, in a decision held onto as a noteworthy time in history for LGBT rights.

In any case, now the decision must be issued — and numerous areas in Southern states where marriages of same-sex couples had been either banned or outlawed are not hurrying to change their policies in the wake of the decision.

Here’s a glance at how a few states have reacted:


Gov. Bobby Jindal, a outspoken opponent of same-sex marriage, has power over marriage licenses in the city of New Orleans and has said that the city can’t issue licenses to same-sex couples until the local federal court has ordered them to. Execution of the court decision has additionally been held up in different parts of the state: Louisiana Attorney General Buddy Caldwell advised the state’s 63 different parishes to hold off for 25 days before beginning to issue licenses, according to Times-Picayune. .

Alexandra Bellink

Alexandra Bellink


Disarray rules in the Lone Star State, where Attorney General Ken Paxton told clerk’s offices before the decision not to issue any licenses on the off chance that it was upheld, until he sent word to do as such. However, the decision came and Paxton has issued the word to issues licenses, as indicated by the Houston Chronicle. Still, some more liberal clerks have started issuing same-sex marriage licenses on their own.


State Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore, a famous adversary of same-sex marriage who administers the state’s probate courts, has not yet halted any nearby judges from issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Yet, probate judges there have reacted in an assortment of ways, including some who have quit issuing marriage licenses for both straight and gay couples, according to AL.com.


The state clerks are waiting for the local federal court to request them to start issuing same-sex marriage licenses, per an announcement from state Attorney General Jim Hood. Another authority, Mississippi Judiciary Chairman Andy Gipson, recommended that the state should consider not issuing marriage licenses altogether as a result of the ruling, according to the Clarion-Ledger

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