manslaughter Archives - NIR News / National Investigative Report Investigative Journalism At Its Best! Tue, 18 Nov 2014 02:08:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 manslaughter Archives - NIR News / National Investigative Report 32 32 FBI Report: Police Violence Against Citizens More Than Ever! Tue, 18 Nov 2014 02:08:37 +0000 The new FBI statistics unveiled this week, shows that the violent crime rates decreased to 4% in the US in past year. The violent crime rates fell to great amount than they have been in nearly 40 years. According to FBI statistics, approximated 1.16 million violent crimes were recorded in 2013. It is the lowest […]

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Photo Credit: Leonard Zhukousky

Photo Credit: Leonard Zhukousky

The new FBI statistics unveiled this week, shows that the violent crime rates decreased to 4% in the US in past year. The violent crime rates fell to great amount than they have been in nearly 40 years. According to FBI statistics, approximated 1.16 million violent crimes were recorded in 2013. It is the lowest amount since 1978. The report also shows that cases of rape dropped down to 6.3% whereas manslaughter lowers by 4.4%, the lowest crime rate since 1968. Although the country faced tough economic times, but primary crimes dropped by 4.1% and robbery to 2.8%.

Photo Credit: Diane Stevenson/freerange

Photo Credit: Diane Stevenson/freerange

Since 1994, the violent crime rates have been decreasing steadily. Nevertheless, the prison population is continually increasing over many decades. Currently, there are more than two million people imprisoned in the US. It is the largest population so far across the world. However, Pew Charity Trusts published their study recently that showed the prison population of US is on decline. Their research reveal that decline in crime in year 2013 actually coincided with decline in prison population. Moreover, the study showed drop in number of prisoners in more than 30 of the 50 states in the US whereas imprisonment continued to increase in other states.

Photo Credit: Alexander Gude/flickr

Photo Credit: Alexander Gude/flickr

Even those who are guilty of violating some laws are nonviolent offenders. Almost 70% of prison population comprises of nonviolent offenders. Many people among them are not actually guilty of transgression but in fact, they target themselves in state violence. While violence among citizens dropped to significant amount, violence carried out by police against these citizens is increasing sharply. The annual Uniform Crime Report of FBI shows that the police shot 461 felony suspects last year. During the same period, gun sales increased rapidly in the country. It supports the idea that people with guns are actually contributing to make society a safe place.

The post FBI Report: Police Violence Against Citizens More Than Ever! appeared first on NIR News / National Investigative Report.

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